School-based Health

Project ECHO Pediatric Dentistry

The pediatric dentistry learning community model (PDLCM) aims to provide patient case-based information to pediatric dentists practicing in rural communities. In a needs assessment survey…

Projects  >  UMMC
Maternal Health

Reaching Out with Technology: Using Telehealth Strategies to Address the Dental Needs of Children

FLCH will use telehealth strategies including store and forward technology, and virtual visits to provide dental education, dental exams, and preventive treatment (fluoride) to reduce…

Projects  >  UMMC
Telehealth Research and Research Methods

Remote Sensorimotor and Neurocognitive Examination in Virtual Reality

Workplan Goal: The goal of this workplan is to develop research deliverables related to the previous completed work. 80-90% of sports and recreation brain injuries…

Projects  >  UMMC

Rural Hospital Financial Health and Telehealth Support Models

Telehealth presents great potential for improving rural healthcare access and rural hospital financial viability. Members of the MUSC COE team conduct a variety of evaluations…

Projects  >  MUSC
Behavioral Health

Scale and Evaluate Smoking Cessation and COPD Screening E-Visit

Cigarette smoking is a leading contributor to COPD and residents of rural areas are nearly twice as likely to have COPD as residents of metropolitan…

Projects  >  MUSC
Behavioral Health

School-Based Telehealth

Project Goal: To enhance student health outcomes by sustaining and expanding the established school-based telehealth program in high-utilization school districts. This project aims to provide…

Projects  >  UMMC

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Community ECHO

Mississippi has the highest rate of STI’s (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis) in the United States. Mississippi has seen a remarkable increase in syphilis in recent…

Projects  >  UMMC
Emergency Health

Support to Rural Hospitals and Community Providers

Many critical access hospitals in rural states have to transfer patients to other medical centers that provide higher level of care. Sometimes, if beds are…

Projects  >  UMMC