Project Overview
FLCH will use telehealth strategies including store and forward technology, and virtual visits to provide dental education, dental exams, and preventive treatment (fluoride) to reduce the number of caries in children served by FLCH from birth through elementary school. Using the skills of a Registered Dental Hygienist providing oral health education to pregnant women, along with treatment, we can mitigate the initial introduction of bacteria to the infant by their mother. Once the child has its first tooth appear, we can begin preventive fluoride treatments via virtual visits with the parents, teaching them how to apply the fluoride to their child's teeth, under the supervision of a dental hygienist. As the child grows, routine visits for hygiene, continual quarterly fluoride treatments via telehealth visits, and store and forward dental exams will ensure that steps are taken to continue a good dental hygiene and preventive program that will lead to better dental outcomes. This continuous care model will reduce the number of children who experience moderate to severe dental caries that can negatively impact a child's ability to succeed at home and at school. We will also provide each child a dental home to ensure access to dental care.
Project Resources
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