Telehealth Experience

Integration of Telehealth in Cardio-Metabolic

Dr. Elizabeth Fryoux of the Department of Medicine has put together a multi-disciplinary cardio-metabolic clinic for patients that have suffered a myocardial infraction and have…

Projects  >  UMMC
Telehealth Research and Research Methods

Longitudinal Follow-up of COVID Patients via Telehealth

Post-acute Sars-CoV-19 Syndrome (PASC) or long-COVID19 is a well-described phenomenon referring to the persistent symptoms that patients experience >30days after their initial infection. The aim…

Projects  >  UMMC
Maternal Health

Maternal Hypertension Remote Patient Monitoring

The project will study the feasibility of implementing a telehealth approach to capturing blood pressures of pregnant women with chronic hypertension or a history of…

Projects  >  UMMC
Behavioral Health

Mental Health

Workplan Goal: This is a workplan designed to address gaps in mental health services in special populations. Workflow adaptation to include referrals to Telemental health…

Projects  >  UMMC
Telehealth Research and Research Methods

National Telehealth Data Warehouse

  This project aims to construct a National Telehealth Data Dictionary to identify standard elements for the state-of-the-art telehealth programs. The National Telehealth Data Dictionary…

Projects  >  UMMC

Pediatric Dermatology ECHO

This project represents a significant collaborative effort between the Center for Telehealth at UMMC and Dr. Sarah Asch from Hometown Pediatric Dermatology, LLC in the…

Projects  >  UMMC
Telehealth Research and Research Methods

Project ECHO - Dermatology

One in four primary care visits includes some type of skin complaint. In Mississippi, there are nearly 50,000 patients per one dermatologist and patients often…

Projects  >  UMMC
School-based Health

Project ECHO Pediatric Dentistry

The pediatric dentistry learning community model (PDLCM) aims to provide patient case-based information to pediatric dentists practicing in rural communities. In a needs assessment survey…

Projects  >  UMMC