Project Overview
This project aims to construct a National Telehealth Data Dictionary to identify standard elements for the state-of-the-art telehealth programs. The National Telehealth Data Dictionary will be developed from the data dictionary published by the CTeL in 2020 and further identify more standard elements, e.g., demographic information, health outcome information, encounter information, and financial information, through a four stages cycle: revise the current data dictionary, gather data, assess data, and update data dictionary. Throughout the cycles, the National Telehealth Data Dictionary will be progressively expanded, repeatedly tested, and optimally modified to reflect telehealth programs and support standardized data aggregation.
In year 1, we modified the national telehealth data dictionary, drafted the data use agreement, formed two technical advisory groups, and had outreach activities to prepare for the data collection. In year 3, we will focus on developing and deploying a National Telehealth Data Warehouse that will store years of telehealth encounter data to allow researchers to do innovative and creative research to move the telehealth field forward. In addition, we plan to purse partnerships with additional organizations to expand our network.
- Yunxi Zhang, PhD
- R. L. Summers
- Saurabh Chandra, MD, PhD, MBA
- Active