Saurabh Chandra, MD, PhD, MBA
Project Director
Dr. Saurabh Chandra, is the Project Director for the Telehealth Center of Excellence at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. After completing medical school in India, Dr. Chandra completed his PhD in Biological Sciences followed by a research post-doctoral fellowship at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center. This was followed by clinical training in Internal Medicine and Critical Care, the latter from the prestigious program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. While working as a Tele ICU physician, Dr. Chandra developed a passion for Telehealth as a transformative modality for delivering cost effective health care. In his previous role, Saurabh was the enterprise wide Medical Director of Telehealth at the largest health system in the state of New York where he oversaw the clinical implementation of Telehealth programs as well as the Tele ICU response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Chandra provides strategic direction and oversight to all Telehealth Center of Excellence activities.